One in three women worldwide have been physically or sexually assaultedmost of this violence happens in the home. An adolescent girl dies every ten minutes from this type of violence. And about 117 million women are simply missing from the world’s population, many aborted or killed at birth simply because they were not boys. In India, girls are 75 percent more likely than boys to die between the ages of one and four. 

At the heart of this violence is the lie that women have less value than men. The lie is deeply rooted across cultures and religionsIslam, Hinduism, Animism…even many Christians around the world believe that man is created in God’s image while woman brought sin into the world. Some traditions make the lie even more deadly. For instance, in India, the practice of dowry means that daughters are a huge financial burden to families. In many cultures, it is sons who are expected to provide for parents in their old age; only sons inherit and carry on the family name. Daughters are too often seen as a bad investment or as a commodity that can be bartered. This attitude leads to violence against them or eliminating them altogether.

Please join us in praying…
  • For a change in worldview throughout societies, beginning in the Church. Pray for understanding of the truth that God chose to create both women and men in His image and loves both equally.
  • That God would turn the hearts of parents to their children—sons and daughters equally. Pray for them to raise their daughters with the truth that they are valuable, significant, and capable. Pray for mothers and fathers to have boldness to protect their daughters.
  • For hope to be restored to women who are in abusive situations. Pray for their protection and for a way out of the abusive situation. Pray for abusers to be led to repentance.
  • For advocates addressing the issues directly in churches, at universities and throughout society. Pray for favor with leaders and government officials. Pray that advocates would speak truth with boldness and humility.


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