The Bible tells us that there is no authority except what God has established (Romans 13:1-6). He is the King of kings, and uses both godly and ungodly leaders for His purposes (Exodus 9-11). Yet we see through the biblical narrative that when the kings of the nation of Israel followed God’s ways, the nation and its people flourished; when the kings turned away from God, the whole nation suffered. The same holds true today. 

Some of the greatest suffering stems from brokenness in government. Political leaders are corrupt and exploit their people. Social systems fail to protect the most vulnerable. Too many governments in Asia actively oppose the Church. In Africa, transitions of power often come with tremendous upheaval and violence. None of this reflects God’s “will being done on earth as it is in heaven.” And yet the vast majority of the Church has no vision to redeem government. Because it is corrupt, they withdraw. Countries around the world need leaders who pursue God’s ways, systems built on biblical truth, and a Church that is bold in both witness and prayer.

Please join us in praying: 
  • For God’s will to be done—that He would establish authorities according to His plans and purposes.
  • Pray that godly people would sense and respond to God’s calling to stand as candidates for leadership positions. Pray for churches to support, rather than discourage, Christians running for office.
  • Pray for the hearts of leaders to be turned to God, that they would seek His wisdom to lead. Pray for leaders with servant hearts and a vision for the good of all in their nation. Pray for governments to lead with godly principles and according to His ways, even if they haven’t recognized Him as Lord.
  • Pray for leaders who are trying to rule justly and stand against corruption. They and their advisors are often the targets of threats and violence. Pray that God would protect them and uphold their cause.
  • Pray for a special outpouring of wisdom on leaders in the wake of the pandemic and lockdowns. Pray that they would have insight from God as they make decisions that affect the health, freedoms, and livelihoods of billions of people.
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