The Bible teaches that all people are made in the image of God for His purposes—He does not make mistakes or overlook some. Yet, in nearly every culture, there are beliefs that cause people with autism and other disabilities to be treated as though God’s promise does not apply to them. 

In many worldviews, a differently-abled child is met with shame and fear. People believe that the spirits or gods or God has cursed the child and their family. In performance-based western cultures, status, respect, and value are defined by how much a person can do; children with physical or mental differences that can’t “perform” at the level of their peers are looked down upon, consciously or unconsciously. 

As a result, differently-abled children are one of the most vulnerable groups in the world. In too many countries, the stress and stigma that parents face all too often leads to broken marriages, depression, substance abuse, and attempted suicide. In these countries, parents who desperately want to help their child find few services, little support, and widespread discrimination. As they grow up, differently-abled children are more likely than their peers to experience joblessness, illiteracy, and every form of deprivation.

Please pray with us…
  • That churches would recognise differently-abled children’s special place in the Father’s heart and take an active role in serving, supporting and speaking up for them. Pray that churches would recognise the gifts and talents of people with disabilities and would welcome them to participate in building the Kingdom of God. 
  • For parents of differently-abled children—for grace, patience, joy, and love to fill them. Pray that mothers and fathers would find the support they need, and that God would protect and strengthen their marriages. 
  • For organisations and schools that are called to work with people with disabilities. Pray against burnout and exhaustion. Pray that God would provide for all their needs. Ask God to raise up many special education teachers from the church and anoint them with patience and grace. 
  • That governments would recognise the needs of the differently-abled, and would support and empower them. Pray for just laws and protections over those who need it. 
  • That societies would see the value in every person and treat each one with dignity and respect. Pray that there would be more and more employers happy to hire people with differences and that those who do who experience a blessing. Pray for opportunities for people with disabilities to take up valued roles in the church, government, families, the arts, sciences, and business.
  • For differently-abled children to sense God’s affection and purpose for them. Pray against any shame, rejection, or condemnation they might feel. 



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