Around the world many people are in bondage to addiction to drugs or alcohol. Some are recovering, while others continue to struggle. While addiction can entangle any of us, the wealthy can often hide and compensate for addiction, while those experiencing poverty are at risk of losing what little they have. Trauma, lack of basic necessities, unemployment, loneliness, broken families, lack of education, and hopelessness are some of the experiences that can put people at risk of falling into addictive behaviors. 

In many countries, youth come from rural areas to cities hoping to escape poverty and support their families back home. Many of them are on their own, have little education, are without a place to stay or an acquaintance to help. They are easy prey for drug dealers who happily get people hooked for free. 

Whatever the causes of addiction, we know that God deeply loves each person and has a plan for their life. He calls on His people to be His hands and feet—offering grace, forgiveness, help to recover, and hope for the future.

Please join us in praying: 
  • For addicts to seek God in their pain and desperation and to find Him. Pray that they can cling to Him when temptation is strong. Pray for the Holy Spirit to free people from addiction.
  • For families of addicts to be able to help, love, forgive, and support their struggling loved-one and to find the help they themselves need. Pray for healed relationships.
  • For good educational resources and programs, rehab centers, and counselors all over the world.
  • For churches to graciously reflect God’s perspective on sinners and to love, forgive, and support addicts and their families.
  • Against the shame, stigma, and silence that come with addiction. Pray for job opportunities and relief from poverty for those in recovery.
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