Fatalism is a commonly held belief in much of the world, and it locks people in poverty. Fatalism says, “We are born poor and will die poor; it is our destiny; you can’t change the future.” Fatalism has terrible consequences. Why send your children to school when they are destined for the same life as their parents and grandparents? Why bother working hard in your field, job, or market stall, when it won’t change what you are fated to receive? Why try to address problems like child mortality and water shortage since these things are your lot in life?
For those in a fatalistic culture, hard work is a waste of time and effort. It only makes sense to accept things as they are, because nothing you can do will change your destiny.
The message of the Bible is completely different. The biblical narrative shows us that God has a plan, that history is going somewhere, that the future can be different from the present, and that we do have a role to play. It is a message of hope that is desperately needed around the world.
Please pray…
Pray for Christians bound by fatalism to know the truth and that the truth would set them free. Pray that they would have restored hope and would gain a vision for what God desires for their lives. Pray that they would understand that they have free will to choose God’s ways and experience His blessings. Pray for opportunities for people to develop their skills, so that they can take steps toward a life that is different than their ancestors’ or those around them.
Pray for pastors and church leaders to have their eyes opened to anywhere biblical truth has been warped by fatalistic thinking. Pray that fatalism would be broken in their own hearts and minds, and that they would be able to teach their congregations and students the truth of humankind’s purpose in God’s redemptive plan
Pray that churches would gain a vision for how their communities and nations could be transformed. Pray for them to have wisdom from God, perseverance, and practical skills to work towards that vision.
Pray for those trapped in religious beliefs that promote fatalism. Pray for people to know God as a loving Father whose plans are for good, for a hope and a future. Pray for their eyes to be opened to God’s desires for their lives.