Around the world, there are more than 4,700 people groups in which less than 0.1% identify themselves as Christian. Some are tiny tribes—just a few thousand people—while others are ethnic groups of 10 million or more. These groups have a combined population of about 1.8 billion people. We know without a doubt that the Father loves and long for relationship with those who’ve had no opportunity to know Him. It is the story of the entire Bible. It’s written into creation. It’s why Christ was sent to die. 

Often, the best people to share the gospel with unreached people groups are those who are geographically nearby, from similar cultures, and who might speak a common language. Yet there are barriers they must overcome. Christians from isolated rural areas where many unengaged people groups are found often suffer themselves from poverty, persecution, lack of schooling, and limited Bible knowledge. 

As we pray for unengaged people groups, let’s also pray for those around the world who seek to reach them and for their Christian neighbors to be equipped for ministry and anointed by the Holy Spirit. 

Please pray with us…
  • That God would prepare hearts and minds to hear the gospel, that even by observing the world around them, they would sense His existence (see Psalm 19:1-2, Romans 1:20).
  • For Christians in rural areas in the Majority World to have the opportunity to understand the whole gospel—from creation to salvation to restoration. Pray that they would not only repent and believe, attend church, pray, and read their Bibles, but that the Christian message would impact every area of life…the way they work, steward resources, parent, and care for others.
  • That the Holy Spirit would prompt Christians (whether local or international) to serve, love, and teach truth to unengaged people groups. Pray especially that nearby Christians would reach out to their traditional enemies with acts of love. 
  • For those (whether local or international) who are working amidst unengaged people groups to have power, wisdom, and inspiration from God. Pray especially that Bible translations would be accurate and easy to understand.
  • Pray that many would come to know their loving Father and Savior, and that it would bring transformation to their lives and communities.
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