Stewardship is an incredibly powerful principle. Biblical stewardship means recognizing that “The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it” (Psalm 24:1). Our land, our houses, our skills, our talents, our bodies, and (if we have some) our money—EVERYTHING belongs to God. We are merely stewards. Learning that everything belongs to God changes how we treat all of it. Everything needs to be treated as a precious gift because God has given it to us to use. This is true for both rich and poor, West and East.

As we’ve taught this idea in the Majority World, it has brought dramatic change among people experiencing generational poverty. People begin protecting their health as good stewards of the bodies God gave them. Parents see their children differently—as created by God and entrusted to them—so they look after them better and make sure they are in school. Communities begin restoring and protecting their water sources. Families have new eyes to see the resources God has provided, so they plant fallow land and discover creative ways to generate income. It helps break the lie of dependency that keeps people waiting for handouts rather than realizing what God has already given them. And it moves people who have always seen themselves as needy to become generous givers—reaching out to love and care for others. 

As we teach about stewardship, we desperately need the Holy Spirit to open people’s eyes to what they have and overcome the lie of dependency. It is by God’s power, not human efforts, that transformation happens. 

Please pray with us…
  • Pray that, as stewardship is taught, the Holy Spirit would open people’s eyes to the resources they’ve been given and move them to commit everything back to God for His glory. Pray that the lies of dependency and poverty mindset would be broken, and that people would find new freedom and power as God-appointed stewards.
  • For those who have lost jobs, planting or harvesting opportunities, or daily income because of COVID-19 and lockdowns. Pray that God will show each person what resources He has provided and how to steward them best.
  • Pray for those who have sufficient income, that they would be generous and fearless in giving to those in need. Pray that they will put all their trust in God and steward well the resources He has entrusted to them for His kingdom.
  • Pray for churches to be models of good stewardship and for pastors to understand and teach this principle. Pray for the Church to be wise in stewarding resources and generous in showing love to communities.
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